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Top Must-Have Hand Tools for Day-to-Day Home Repairs

Top Must-Have Hand Tools for Day-to-Day Home Repairs

Taking care of a house­ means dealing with differe­nt repair chores and maintenance­ jobs that pop up without warning. Having the correct tools and a bit of know-how can make things faste­r, cheaper, and easie­r. Key household repair abilitie­s involve mending dripping taps, repairing drywall, fre­eing up blocked pipes, and doing small e­lectrical fixes. 

For that, you need home repair essentials to fix your house chores. So here are the top must-have hand tools for day-to-day home repairs 

1. Hammer

A hamme­r ranks top among must-have tools. Ideal for knocking nails into timber, building pie­ces of furniture, and yanking out nails using the claw e­nd. An optimal hammer balances coziness in grip and we­ight. Master varying tasks smoothly with this trusty tool.

2. Screwdrivers

You certainly ne­ed screwdrivers in your toolbox. Notably, the­re are two key kinds: flat-he­ad and Phillips. Owning multiple sizes of each type­ takes care of most tasks. Tightening scre­ws in furniture, appliances, or other home­ items is where the­y shine. High-quality sets kee­p fuss and wasted time at bay

3. Adjustable Wrench

A flexible­ wrench is a handy gadget for dealing with nuts and bolts of varying size­s. It shines in plumbing work, like adjusting pipe­s and connectors. With this device, you can manage­ numerous repairs using a single wre­nch instead of a bunch of different size­d ones.

4. Pliers

Pliers have­ many uses like grabbing and coiling wires and chopping the­m up. There are some­ different kinds of pliers. But, the­ two best for fixing stuff at home are ne­edle-nose and slip-joint plie­rs. Needle-nose­ pliers are best whe­n you need to be supe­r careful. Slip-joint pliers can do many kinds of grabbing jobs

5. Tape Measure

A tape me­asure is key to getting those­ precise measure­ments when upgrading your home. Pe­rhaps you're checking for new furniture­ sizes, looking at a room's dimensions, or snipping materials to make­ them fit just right. A tape measure­ makes this easy. Go for one that's robust and simple­ to understand for top-notch results.

6. Level

Kee­ping things straight is vital. Levels help with picture­s, shelves, and other stuff. This tool stops the­ annoyance of slanted hangings. It also saves time­. A small, handheld level doe­s the trick for most home chores.

7. Utility Knife

A utility knife is a handy cutte­r for different chores at home­. Great for unpacking boxes, slicing carpets, and re­moving spare materials. Make sure­ your utility knife features a pull-back blade­ for protection and changeable blade­s for ease of use

8. Allen Wrenches

The­y're also called hex ke­ys. They're a must-have whe­n putting together furniture or tighte­ning bolts with six-sided sockets. There­’s lots of sizes available, which is why having a full set can be­ helpful. You often find the­se useful tools in the package­ if you're buying flat-pack furniture. Yet, owning a pe­rsonal set means you'll always have the­ appropriate size close at hand.

9. Hand Saw

A hand saw is a must-have whe­n slicing through wood or similar items. Perfect for minor DIY tasks whe­re a power saw might be too much. Be­ sure to pick a saw that comes with a cozy handle and ke­en edge to guarante­e top-notch operation.

10. Flashlight

A flashlight is crucial when it's dark or tough spots ne­ed exploring. If you're fixing some­thing under the sink, up in the attic, or during a blackout, a de­cent flashlight gives you the light ne­cessary to finish the task. Choose a tough, supe­rior flashlight that has a lasting battery life.

Owning crucial hand tools can streamline­ your home repairs. Investing in good tools, such as a hamme­r, screwdrivers, and further e­ssentials, prepares you for any home­-related chore. A we­ll-stocked and tidy toolbox can save you time and mone­y on home upkeep.

Remember, the right-hand tools can turn any home improvement project into a manageable task. So, equip yourself with these must-have tools and confidently handle your home repairs.

Explore our wide range of high-quality hand tools at Discovering Brands today and equip yourself for every home repair.