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Coming Soon

1. How can Power Glutamine be beneficial for sportspersons and athletes?


Studies have shown that L-Glutamine prevents the breakdown of muscles, improves post-exercise recovery leaving a positive effect on athletic performances.


2. How to take Power Glutamine?


Mix and dissolve one sachet (5 grams) of Power Glutamine in 250-300 ml of water or juice. Consume twice in a day.


3. Can I take Power Glutamine if I am not going to the gym?


L-Glutamine also benefits our body by boosting immunity and overall gut health. So, it can be taken by sedentary people aiming for overall wellness.


4. What is the best time to consume Power Glutamine?


Power Glutamine can be consumed at any time of the day but strength and endurance athletes should preferably consume it at bedtime or between meals or post-workout.

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\n Call us at :\n
\n+91 7428007230\n
\n Anytime Between :
\nMonday to Saturday
\n10am to 6pm
\n OR \n

\n\n","sku":"","brand":{"@type":"Brand","name":"Steadfast Nutrition"},"offers":{"@type":"Offer","price":"70.00","priceCurrency":"INR","availability":"","url":""},"image":"","url":""}